I Dig it 067

I Dig it 067 v. LP 015 (playlist)

Women is Losers - Janis Joplin e Big Brother & The Holding Company (1967)
So You Want To Be A Rock 'n' Roll Star - Birds (1967)
Black Mountain Side - Led Zeppelin (1969)
Somebody To Love - Jefferson Airplane (1967)
Commotion - Creedence Clearwater Revival (1969)
Crossroads - Cream (1969)
Walkin' Blues - Eric Clapton (1992) 
Black Country Woman - Led Zeppelin (1975)
She's Not There - Santana (1977)

email: idigitais@gmail.com - skype: v.sergio - twitter: @sergiovds
http://impressoes.vocepod.com - http://sergiovds.blogspot.com - http://sergiovds.wordpress.com


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